Okay, a while ago Breanna from B is for Books sent me a link to this website called F*** My Life. I get on there every now and again to read some of the FML's because some of them are insanely hilarious.
I'm on FML right now and I found a Twilight one, so I though I'd share it with you. It's not really funny, but it did make me chuckle.
Here is the FML:
"Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy of her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML"
Awesome fictional characters will dominate the world someday. Seriously. I am now determined to find some more FML's that involve books and their fictional characters.
Blah, Edward is overrated. Poor guy lol.
Blah, Edward is overrated. Poor guy lol.
Haha I love that one xD
Good luck finding more to do with books.
Michelle: Hehe, yeah. Poor guy. I felt bad for him. But at the same time it was hilarious.
EmiLIEStorie: Hehe, yes! And the old lady with the pigeon one. ;)
That is horrible! But on a good note, there is an award for you at my blog!
Awww, poor guy ^_^
wow that is sad and hilarious at the same time
Wow, that's . . . different. Is this a true story?
that's AWESOME. lol.
you have an award :)
Weird thing is my friend Jacob sent me the link to this yesterday or today.
I've awarded you a blog award over at my blog, come check it out:
Poor guy. How do you compete with someone else's idea of perfection? And there are laws against stalking...what's the boy to do?
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